"Monster Hunt" is a 2015 Chinese fantasy adventure film directed by Raman Hui. It combines live-action and computer-generated imagery (CGI) to tell the story of a world where humans and monsters coexist. The film was a major box office success in China and became the highest-grossing film in Chinese history at the time.
The story is set in a fictional ancient China, where monsters are segregated from humans. The monsters are led by their queen, who is pregnant and on the run from other monsters who want to kill her unborn baby. Meanwhile, in a human village, a young man named Tianyin discovers that he is the chosen one destined to protect the baby monster and ensure its survival.
Tianyin embarks on a journey alongside a seasoned monster hunter named Xiaonan, who is initially reluctant to help him. Together, they face numerous challenges, including battles with other monsters and encounters with both human and monster antagonists who seek to capture the baby monster for their own purposes.
The film combines elements of comedy, action, and fantasy to create a visually stunning and lighthearted adventure. It features a mix of human and CGI characters, with the monsters rendered in a cute and humorous style. "Monster Hunt" received praise for its imaginative world-building, visual effects, and comedic performances.
The success of "Monster Hunt" led to the release of a sequel, "Monster Hunt 2," in 2018. The franchise has since become a popular and influential part of Chinese cinema, further expanding the world of humans and monsters.