"The World of the Married" is a South Korean drama series that aired in 2020. It tells the gripping story of a successful couple, Ji Sun-woo and Lee Tae-oh, who appear to have the perfect marriage. However, their seemingly blissful life takes a dark turn when Sun-woo discovers her husband's infidelity.

Sun-woo, a highly respected doctor, becomes suspicious of Tae-oh's behavior and starts investigating his actions. She unravels a web of lies, betrayal, and deceit as she uncovers Tae-oh's affair with a younger woman named Yeo Da-kyung. Shocked and devastated, Sun-woo confronts her husband, leading to a tumultuous confrontation that ultimately results in their separation.

As the story progresses, Sun-woo finds herself caught in a relentless battle with Tae-oh, who seeks revenge and tries to gain custody of their young son. Sun-woo faces numerous challenges as she fights to protect herself and her family from Tae-oh's manipulations.

Throughout the series, "The World of the Married" delves into the complex dynamics of relationships, portraying the emotional turmoil experienced by Sun-woo and the people around her. It explores themes of love, trust, betrayal, and the consequences of infidelity.

The drama captivates viewers with its intense plot twists, emotional performances, and realistic portrayal of the consequences of marital infidelity. It became a massive hit in South Korea, breaking viewership records and gaining international popularity.

"The World of the Married" serves as a cautionary tale, shedding light on the fragility of relationships and the devastating impact of betrayal. It highlights the resilience and strength of its characters as they navigate through the challenges and strive to rebuild their lives amidst the wreckage of their marriages. 

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