"Poseidon" is a disaster film released in 2006, directed by Wolfgang Petersen. It is a remake of the 1972 film "The Poseidon Adventure." The movie revolves around a luxury ocean liner called the SS Poseidon, which is struck by a massive rogue wave on New Year's Eve.

The wave flips the ship upside down, causing chaos and destruction. A small group of survivors, including former firefighter Robert Ramsey (played by Kurt Russell), his daughter Jennifer (played by Emmy Rossum), a professional gambler Dylan Johns (played by Josh Lucas), a single mother Maggie James (played by Jacinda Barrett), and a ship's waiter named Marco (played by Freddy Rodriguez), find themselves trapped in the upside-down ship.

Realizing that they have a limited time before the ship sinks completely, the survivors form a plan to escape. They encounter various obstacles and dangers, such as flooding compartments, fires, and collapsing structures. Along their treacherous journey, they face difficult choices and must rely on their resourcefulness and courage to survive.

As they make their way through the ship, the group encounters other survivors, some of whom join their escape attempt, while others meet unfortunate fates. They navigate through narrow passageways, climb inverted hallways, and face numerous life-threatening situations. Time is running out, and the survivors must find a way to reach the bottom of the ship, where they hope to find a route to the surface.

Ultimately, the survivors must confront their deepest fears and make sacrifices to increase their chances of survival. The movie showcases their relentless struggle to overcome immense odds, as they fight to escape the sinking ship and find a way back to safety.

"Poseidon" combines elements of action, suspense, and human drama to portray the harrowing journey of a group of individuals thrown into a catastrophic situation, highlighting their resilience and the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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