"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is a science fiction film released in 2011. The story revolves around a brilliant scientist named Will Rodman, who is researching a potential cure for Alzheimer's disease. He develops a groundbreaking experimental drug called ALZ-112, which enhances the intelligence of laboratory chimpanzees.
During one of his experiments, a female chimp named Bright Eyes, who had been injected with ALZ-112, goes on a violent rampage due to unexpected side effects. As a result, the entire research project is shut down, and the remaining chimps are ordered to be euthanized. However, Will discovers that Bright Eyes had given birth to a baby chimp, whom he names Caesar. He decides to take Caesar home and raise him in secret.
Over the years, Will realizes that Caesar has inherited his mother's enhanced intelligence. Caesar grows up in a human environment and learns from Will's guidance. However, as Caesar becomes more aware of his own identity and experiences mistreatment, he begins to question his place in the human world. Eventually, Caesar is taken away and placed in a primate facility.
In the primate facility, Caesar witnesses the harsh treatment of his fellow apes by the humans. He begins to organize the apes and leads a revolt against their captors. With his enhanced intelligence and leadership, Caesar orchestrates their escape and rallies the apes to seek freedom in the Muir Woods near San Francisco.
Meanwhile, the ALZ-112 drug that Will had developed is revealed to have potential effects on humans as well. Will's father, Charles, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, volunteers to be treated with the drug. The treatment proves successful, temporarily reversing his condition.
As the apes establish their newfound civilization in the Muir Woods, tensions escalate between them and the humans. A deadly confrontation becomes inevitable. Caesar, fueled by the desire to protect his fellow apes and ensure their survival, leads them into battle against a team of human forces.
In the climactic battle on the Golden Gate Bridge, the apes showcase their superior strength and intelligence, overpowering the human forces. The conflict ultimately leads to the spread of the ALZ-113 virus, a more potent strain of the original drug that was accidentally released. The virus begins to affect humans, initiating a global pandemic that gradually wipes out the majority of the human population.
"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" serves as a prequel to the original "Planet of the Apes" series, explaining how the apes gained intelligence and eventually rose to dominate the Earth. It sets the stage for the subsequent films in the rebooted franchise, depicting the dystopian world where apes become the dominant species and humans fight for survival.